God is always ready to help us in our time of trouble. He’s our hiding place, our strong tower, our hope for tomorrow. He’s our peace, way maker, and our source. He’s our healer, friend, and encourager. He’s our joy in the midst of sorrow, during trouble times. When we’re in death’s valley, our hearts are broken, and sickness is destroying our bodies, God gives us unspeakable joy. He’s our protection, our shield and buckler (Psalm 35)! When the world is crashing down around us, God is our strong foundation that can’t be shaken. He’s all that we need and want.
Since God is all that we need, why do we look for things to satisfy? Why do we look for people to be to us what only God can be? God is faithful, but people are fickle. They’ll desert us, and betray us. They’ll love us today, and then hate us tomorrow. But God is not like that at all. He never changes. He never walks away. He’s constant and He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever more! His love and mercy have no end.
So my sister, are you searching today? Are you looking for that special something or someone to satisfy and fulfill? Try Jesus. He’s the well that won’t run dry. He is the living waters that overflows (John 4:10). He does satisfy!
It’s Wednesday – Hump Day! Here’s a biblical principle to get us over the hump.
“1-3 God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in seastorm and earthquake, Before the rush and roar of oceans, the tremors that shift mountains. Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, God-of-Angel-Armies protects us. PSALM 46:1-3, MSG
Stop searching. Stop wandering. Stop looking elsewhere for that void to be filled when God is all you need. From beginning of time to this very moment, God has and is right there. He’s right by your side; He’s been there all the time. My friend, all we could ever need or want is found in our magnificent God. Our search is over! Our needs have been met. God is ready to save and deliver us from whatever situation we may be in.
God is ready and more than able, but we must be willing to go to Him.
Now let’s walk in freedom, together! Your sis, Rhovonda