Therefore let all the faithful pray to you
while you may be found;
surely the rising of the mighty waters
will not reach them.
You are my hiding place;
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
(Psalm 32:6-8, NIV)
God reassures us in His wonderful Word that He will be our guide. In fact, God personalizes it, stamps His name on it. He says, “I” and no one else. I, who is God. I, the Great I am. I, the Creator. The Lord. The God of all. The Maker of heaven and earth. I, the King decrees. I, the One who made you, designed you, fashioned you into who you are will instruct you in the way you should go. Not the preacher, not the prophet, not the apostle, not the evangelist, not our prayer partner, not our spouse, but God, will show us in the way we should go.
Now, my sister, please don’t misunderstand me. Yes, God can and He does use our pastors, preachers, teachers, prophets, prayer partners, our husbands and so forth to give us Godly counsel, but before we run to them for advice, we must run to God first. God wants us to seek His way, His kingdom, His righteousness, His counsel first, and then He will take care of what concerns us (Matt. 6:33).
God says, “I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go” (Ps. 32:8a, NIV)

As I read that passage, I wondered, why did God us those two words, “instruct” and“teach”. Why use those words, aren’t they the same? I often say, God does not waste His Words. God’s Word is such a beautiful thing! Every Word has a meaning, a purpose. Every period, comma, exclamation mark in the Bible has meaning and depth. So, I did a little studying to see how different and alike these two words are.
Today, I want to focus on the first part of verse 8 in our scripture passage. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go”(NIV). I want to share with you what I discovered in God’s Word. These two words are so familiar to us. We use them in our everyday vocabulary, but it was so enlightening, such a blessing, and an encouragement to me what the Lord showed me. I pray that it will bless you, as well.
In the English dictionary, the word “instruct” means 1. to furnish with knowledge, especially by a systematic method; teach; train; educate. 2. To furnish with orders or directions; direct; order; command. 3. To furnish with information; inform; apprise. In Hebrew, “instruct” means to be (cause make or act) circumspect; prosper, deal prudently, give skill, have success, teach, (have, make to) understand, wisdom.
The dictionary describes the word “teach” as to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instructions in; to instill knowledge. In Hebrew “teach” is described as to point out (as if by aiming the finger); archer, cast direct, inform, instruct, lay, shoot.
And when I looked up the synonyms for both words, I was floored! Wow!
Synonym for “instruct”: advise, guide, keep posted, lead, notify, reveal, steer, train, educate, counsel. Synonym for “teach”: coach, communicate, demonstrate, direct, develop, discipline, enlighten, explain, give instruction, give facts, improve mind, indoctrinate, nurture, prepare, polish, open eyes, school, sharpen, show, tutor.
Oh, how God cares so much about you and I. You know how you know something, but love to hear it, see it, and be reminded of that very thing? Well, that’s how I felt and feel, right now, after studying this scripture passage. We know that God loves us, but when He reminds us and shows us, or should I say, when He opens our eyes to really see His amazing love and care for us, it is mind blowing! It was such a beautiful illumination to learn and be reminded of the way God is attentive to us.
So, through His Word, God tells us that He will explain to us, give us the intelligence, the wisdom, the understanding, as He directs us in the way we should go. Like a Captain, He’s going to coach us, train us, and give us the appropriate orders and command. He’ll give us the knowledge, inform us, prepare us and instruct us. Like a skillful archer, God will point us in the right direction. With His watchful eyes, His infinite wisdom, and His care for us and our future, He will guide us successfully. Amen!
Psalm 32:8 is a short verse, but it has such astounding revelations! God’s instructions and teachings are the best counsel we can ever receive. However, in order for us to receive what God wants to give us, in order to be instructed and taught in the way we should go, we have to go to Him first. Acknowledge Him and allow Him to direct our path (Prov. 3:5-6).
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. (Ps. 32:8, NLT)
During your Quiet Time, MEDITATE on God’s Word, WATCH to today’s music video and KEEP walking in freedom!
Rhovonda L. Brown is speaker and author of two bestsellers, Walking in Freedom!: A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey for Women and At Least Say, “Thank You!”: An 8-Day Devotional Plan for a Grateful Heart.
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