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That Mouth!

Writer: rhovondabrownrhovondabrown

“Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.”

(Col. 4:5-6, MSG)

I was ready. Well…….I thought I was. I didn’t know what I was going to say, but I knew I was going to allow the Holy Spirit to speak for me. He would do all of the talking because I was going to let Him. Besides, my husband would be with me; so, if I get a little off track, he’d pull me back. That was the plan. I was to be nice. Don’t attack. Patiently listen and then speak. Oh, but that’s not how it happened.

I was not nice. I did not listen. Well, I did listen, but I didn’t hold back what I was feeling. I got off track; my husband pulled me back. I got off track again, and my husband pulled me back, again. Then, I went off on a tantrum. I attacked and attacked this woman with my mouth, that is. The words flowed. I said what I was feeling and didn’t hold back. I told the Holy Spirit to be quiet and let me do all the talking, basically. Now, before your mind starts racing, no, I did not use profanity (not that time), but I wasn’t very nice. And once my husband finally pulled the reins, what was said, was said. And I couldn’t take it back.

In that meeting, I said what I felt because I had to get my point across; however, my approach could have been different. In fact, I should have handled that conversation differently. I could have said what was needed to be said without attacking her. I should have let my light shine as I’ve done in previous conversations with her, but on that particular day, my light was out! It wasn’t shining. My demeanor was ugly, my words were harsh, and my attitude was stinky – not nice at all.

That entire conversation was a waste. I didn’t accomplish anything, but I may have made matters worse. Now, I have to go back and apologize to her. Ugh!! That mouth of mines! Oops, I did it again.

Have you been there sisters?

God holds all of us accountable for our actions. As Christians, we are to be mindful of what we say and do. Our words and our actions could cause another person to turn away from God. Our behavior could be a stumbling block to another Believer, but God has called us to be lights that can’t be hidden. He has called us to point others to Christ. We are to be reflections of Jesus in all that we do and say. Wow!

SELF-CHECK : Can the words that proceed out of my mouth kindle a fire? Could I have handled that particular conversation better? Can the words I speak destroy relationships? Is my conversation seasoned with words of affirmation? Do I speak words that are nurturing, inspiring, uplifting? Do my conversations encourage and strengthen the body of Christ or do they diminish a person’s worth?

“Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.”

(Eph. 4:29, MSG)

Prayer: Father, my mouth has gotten me in trouble with You, again. Forgive me. Now, teach me how to tame that tongue of mine and show me how to speak in love. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Sisters, let’s think before we speak and respond in love.

During your quiet time MEDITATE on today’s scriptures. Be motivated to control our mouths, be led by the Spirit and walk in freedom with Jesus Christ!

**Originally posted 11/26/12


Copyright ©2010-2016. Rhovonda L. Brown. All Rights Reserved.

No portion of Martha & Mary Ministries, Walking in Freedom!™ Devotionals may be reproduced, stored in any electronic system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission from the author. Brief quotations may be used in literary reviews.


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