“Now the Lord said to Moses, ‘Make two trumpets of hammered silver for calling the community to assemble and for signaling the breaking of camp…..When you arrive in your own land and go to war against your enemies who attack you, sound the alarm with the trumpets. Then the Lord your God will remember you and rescue you from your enemies. The trumpets will remind the Lord your God of his covenant with you. I am the Lord your God.” (Num 10:1-2, 9-10b, NLT)
The trumpet, in the Bible, symbolized the “gathering, blessings, judgment, prophetic voice or word, voice of prophetic utterance, and the coming of Christ” (Kevin J. Conner, Interpreting the Symbols and Types, 1992).
In Numbers chapter ten, the Lord told Moses to make two silver trumpets, and instruct the Israelites on how and when to blow the trumpets. These silver trumpets of the Tabernacle were to be sounded on four specific occasions: to summon, to warn in case of an attack, when Israel went to war, and at the Israelites’ appointed feasts. Only the priests, Aaron’s descendants, were allowed to blow the trumpets (Num. 10:8).
The trumpets were used for calling the community together and for signaling the breaking of camp. If the priests blew one trumpet, the leaders of the clans of Israel were to present themselves before Moses at the entrance of the Tabernacle. However, if both trumpets were blown, the entire congregation was to appear. The trumpets were blown over the offerings that were given to the Lord. When the Israelites went to battle against their enemies, if they sounded the alarm on the trumpets, God promised He would remember them and come to their rescue. During their times of rejoicing and celebrations, they were to sound the trumpet over their offerings as a memorial (Num 10:9-10).
Whether the trumpets were blown to hear God speak, to rejoice in celebration, or make preparation for war, the sound of the trumpet meant something was about to happen. Things were about to change, and there would be a turn in direction. Be it good or bad, blowing the trumpet meant transition.
Making changes, shifting, moving, there’s just something about the idea of transitioning. Do you hear it? Do you hear the sound? Is God blasting the trumpet for you to transition your position? What transition are you in? Maybe God is transitioning you for battle. Do you have your war clothes on? Maybe God is summoning you to come closer into His presence so He can give you direction. Are you listening? Maybe it’s time to pack your things up and move. Are you ready? Maybe God is transitioning you to a time of rejoicing and celebration. Go ahead and get your praise on!
Sisters, the sound of the trumpets are blowing! Do you hear them? God is getting ready to do something and it’s time to transition ourselves!
*Originally posted 5/24/12.
Rhovonda L. Brown is speaker and author of two bestsellers, Walking in Freedom!: A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey for Women and At Least Say, “Thank You!”: An 8-Day Devotional Plan for a Grateful Heart.
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